In a part of the city in revitalization process, New Central Mosque of Prishtina was projected to be a place fulfilling the expectations of the country, the city, the community and every Muslim in its individual spirituality.
These high hopes are achieved through a building, one that defies the test of time, made with the strength of tradition, hand-in-hand with a fresh contemporary vision.
The proposed Mosque is the outcome of an intense research on the mosque theme, spanning from a profound historical study of cultural heritage, analyzing the evolution through time, in the program, in the materiality and form, understanding the different geographical characteristics or the social and urban impacts.
The project responds actively to the proposed goals, accomplishing several standards and conditions, even going beyond, namely because:

– It stands as a strong landmark, yet responsible and objective;
– It is monumental, yet human related by the scale and form;
– It is conceived for the future, in terms of materials, configuration, capacity, and innovation concept;
– It embodies tradition in a contemporary approach;
– It stands out in the landscape, yet without neglecting the surroundings;
– It is a place that enhances spirituality, but also promotes and embraces a wider social role;
– It is sustainable and environment friendly;
– It is adapted to several occupational needs, since it is capable to adapt the scale of the physical space to a versatile number of users, dividing or expanding the space in multiple configurations.



The proposal directly addresses key issues, such as the functional and the visual aspects. But we believe that another aspect is crucial to the success of the architecture, of its program and its capacity to withstood time. It is not a purely functional or a shallow aesthetic exercise, but a greater architecture, with an impact that goes beyond its materiality, limits or physical borders, having a wider meaning and a capacity to relate and shape the social fabric.
We consider this a metaphysical property of architecture, one that transcends itself and becomes part of a place and its culture. It becomes part of the city.
The result is composed in two different architectonic languages, creating a distinct podium providing the base for the main extraordinary element, the Mosque. This two dialectics complement each other in a global and coherent space, combining the praying spiritual space, with social, educational, commercial and leisure spaces. The relations in between, and provoked by these, are in the birth of the new social center in the life of the people.

The creation of a clear base is consolidated in an open plaza that can be used by the citizens, providing a community space that enhances daily urbanity but also a place for extraordinary events. This also allows a clear separation between the spiritual program from the functional program, bringing to evidence the importance of the new Mosque, assuming its character of landmark.
The mosque itself is a statement. A statement of its inner values and purpose, combined in a clear functional system. A single objective piece synthetizing the traditional values in a state-of-the-art building. Its core is the strength of the belief and the prayer. The architecture is a eulogy to Islamism. The dimension is majestic and di- vine. Itself evokes the great Allah, but it is related to the human as it scales down in its curve borders. The grandiose mass defies the common mundane perception, lifting itself in the air, suspending its weight, in a welcoming and inviting movement to the praying act.


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